25th Julia Margaret Cameron Award

Rules of Entry

Gail Buckland, author, educator, curator and authority on photography (https://www.gailbuckland.com/bio.html)
Kseniia Antipina, Winner of the 21st JMCA in Non Professional Single Image Section.
Dina Goldstein, Winner of the 22nd JMCA in Professional Single Image Section.
Leonor Fernandes, Gallery Director and Senior Curator, FotoNostrum


Winners of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award: The judges of the 25th Julia Margaret Cameron Award will choose four winners in two categories: professional women photographers (series and single image) and non-professional women photographers (series and single image).

Fully-paid Solo Exhibition: The Gala Awards will arrange an exhibition for the four Winners mentioned in their respective categories. The Awards will cover all expenses related to the exhibition, including printing and framing up to 20 photographs for each winner. The exhibition will be held at the FotoNostrum Gallery in Barcelona in date to be determined in 2025. A curator selected by The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards will help the Winners choose which work to exhibit and will handle the setup of the exhibition.

Book Publishing: In addition to the usual prize of a fully-paid solo exhibition for the four overall winners, one of them will be selected to publish a book of their work in an initial edition of 100 copies. This book will be curated, designed, and funded by FotoNostrum Publishing.

Gallery Representation: A non-exclusive consignation representation contract for 18 initial months with the gallery FotoNostrum may be offered to the four overall winners.

Exposure in ArtEndipity: Represented artists will be exhibited online for sale in Artendipity.

Collective exhibition of category winners and category honorable mentions: The Juror will also select winners and honorable mentions in all categories. All these selected photographers will be invited to exhibit in a collective exhibition in a space contiguous to the exhibition of the four overall winners. In the collective exhibition, the exhibition organization and venue costs will be borne by The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards. At the same time, the exhibitors will be charged for printing and framing as well as setup costs (hanging, labeling, and insurance) in the amount of $280, approximately, per piece. By participating in this award, artists acknowledge that they will be charged for the printing in case of participating in the exhibition and that for that purpose will have to submit high-resolution files of 300 dpi suitable for fine art printing.

Images of all awardees (Winners, and Honorable Mentions) will be showcased in a special complimentary issue of FotoNostrum Magazine.


Only open to women photographers worldwide, professional and amateur, working in all mediums, styles, and schools of thought.
Age: > 13 years old.


File Type: jpg (tiff, png, or any other file than jpg are not accepted)
Profile: sRGB or Adobe RGB
The file must be less than. 8MB

IMPORTANT: Before you submit, make sure that your file meets the specifications regarding size and type. Remember, not following the specifications may result in your upload being rejected.
At any given time, your submission can be edited until the final deadline, including changes to the title or the image submitted.

You can sign up and pay the entry fees with the special discounted early registration offer. You can also upload and make changes to your images anytime before the final deadline.

The submission process is processed by Smarter Entry.
These are the detailed submission instructions.

Publishing in FotoNostrum Magazine

All images of the category winners and respective honorable mentions will be published in FotoNostrum Magazine. https://fotonostrummag.com.

Published Monthly

Entry Fees & Important Dates

Each set of 3 single images: $35
Each additional single image: $12

Each series of 6 images: $60
Each additional series: $30

Final Deadline Deadline:
December 15, 2024
Exhibition in FotoNostrum:

Copyright & Usage

All submitters warrant that they own the work submitted and that they have the exclusive copyright. The Gala Awards recognizes that the author retains full ownership of the image copyright.

Submitters warrant that their photographs may be reproduced for the purpose of marketing and promoting The Gala Awards’ competitions and Awards, as well as in catalogues, posters, postcards, publications, and on the Internet. Such use is granted for no more than two years after the announcement of the works selected in this competition. Such use is granted without any payment to the photographer or featured models. Photographers will receive credit with each use and allow The Gala Awards to sublicense their photographs to the press for reproduction in connection with The Gala Awards’ competitions and awards.

The Gala Awards has the right to reject and remove any entry that contains defamatory, racist, obscene or pornographic content, or that may be considered a criminal offence or violate any law.


The Julia Margaret Cameron Award is addressed to professional and non-professional women photographers worldwide, who will compete in this 19th edition in two different sections (Professional and Non-Professional) in the following categories:

Please note that a series should be composed of 6 images, no more, no less.

Abstract - Advertising & Fashion - Alternative Processes - Architecture & Interiors - Black & White -Children - Cell Phone - Cityscapes - Culture & Daily Life - Digital Manipulation & Collage - Documentary & Reportage - Fine Art - Landscapes & Seascapes - Nature - Nude & Figure - Open Theme - People - Portrait - Self Portrait - Still Life - Story Telling - Street Photography - Wild Life - Women Seen by Women

(A professional photographer is defined as anyone who earns more than 50 percent of her annual income from photography.)